Introducing Tyche.Finance: ecosystem-centric multichain DEX
1. Introduction
When it comes to investment, one of the most promising approaches to the field is agreed to be DCA. DCA stands for dollar cost average, where an investor keeps buying some token no matter how the price behaves. This approach helps an investor to stay in the market and capitalize on price drops.
We believe in decentralization and a good investment plan, so we commit ourselves to fix the decentralized portfolio-building problem.
A bear market is the best time to start building a portfolio or managing it properly if you have one.
Currently, most users go to CEXs to build a portfolio because of the higher liquidity and convenient UI.
But the future of portfolio management is decentralized.
2. Problems
When it comes to portfolio building, there are two pillars to that.
#1 Tokens’ exploration and best practices.
Influencers often share spreadsheets over YouTube or Twitter, and people try to copy them.
#2 Executing the transactions.
Systematically buying multiple tokens over a period of time requires a lot of effort, time, and attention.
Currently, it is tough to build a portfolio in a decentralized manner. Key impediments are:
— You have to make a transaction for each token (takes time);
— You have to constantly change chains, as there is not enough liquidity on a single chain for each token;
— Due to increased liquidity and the presence of the order book, prices on CEXs are better than on DEXs, especially for the tokens with a small market cap.
3. What is Tyche.Finance?
Tyche. Finance is the ultimate tool for portfolio management with a dex. We help users assemble a portfolio or take a ready one from their favorite influencers. And then buy these tokens with one click of a button. And it is all decentralized.
4. How it works
In the first version, we are building a dex on top of the Uniswap protocol to provide more security and liquidity. We give you a better interface for building a portfolio, where you can buy multiple coins in a desired proportion with a single transaction.
We are auditing our smart contract; the first version has been released.
The first version of the protocol is running with 0% (!) commission for users.
In the second version, you will be able to share your portfolio or follow a portfolio of your favorite influencers and “smart money.” If you follow a portfolio, you will receive notifications on the changes and track their strategy. It’s like copy-trading but decentralized.
5. Use cases, key features
— Sharing a portfolio
You can share your portfolio with your friends, followers, or grandmother. For doing so, you will receive rewards (part of protocols commissions and part of the rewards pool) each time someone buys tokens from your portfolio.
It is a great way to prove your skills to your community and show them that you put your money where your mouth is.
— Following a portfolio
You can see all the smart money and influencers on the platform and their portfolio performance. You can choose a portfolio and buy tokens in the same proportion with a single click. Or you follow a portfolio, and the system will automatically dollar cost average into the tokens and change the percentage when the portfolio host sells or buys.
— Swapping
The cornerstone of building a portfolio is convenient swapping. With Tyche. Finance, you can buy allocation with multiple tokens at once in a desired proportion. You can automatically DCA in selected tokens.
We will introduce cross-chain stable pools in the future so that you can buy multiple tokens on different chains with a single click.
6. Token, Utility, Public Sale & Tokenomics
Going forward, we will be introducing our token TCH. With TCH, you will be able to:
— Stake your token to receive part of protocols commissions;
— Vote in our DAO;
— Stake your token to decrease commissions for using the protocol;
— Receive rewards for sharing your portfolio with your followers;
7. Community incentives
We will be announcing the community incentives program shortly. The initial distribution of tokens will be held among users with the most activity on the platform.
8. Roadmap
In hindsight, our plan going forward consists of 4 steps, which will be consequently implemented as follows:
That said, Tyche.Finance team wants to thank our early users and supporters.
If you want to get our regular updates on the product, please make sure you’re following us here: